Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tyler Minor-Raft

In this class we have identified, organized, investigated, and analyzed information concerning western expansion of the United States from the 1860s through the 1900s. For this assignment you are to take upon the role of a Native American Chief. Your tribe can be a small branch from a larger nation or you can represent the Chief of the Nation. You are to write a letter to the Bureau of Indian Affairs explaining your side of the argument while acknowledging the United States government’s perspective.  
Role: Native American Chief
Audience: Bureau of Indian Affairs
Format: Letter
Topic: Native American view on western expansion
Student Sample:
To the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
            My name is Chief Wakoyantanke. In your language my name means large thunder. I am a member of the Sioux nation. I am Chief over a band of Sioux, which resides in the Montana Territory. Your greed for land has torn my Nation from our homeland in the Dakotas and pushed us to the Montana Territory. You send us to reservations and pay us annuity, yet your white trader’s goods are too high of a price and we starve—disease ridden. Buffalo on the plains have been annihilated, thus Mother Nature cannot provide for her children. I understand your people are vast, but you must realize such punishment will only cause further conflict.
With great respect,
Chief Wakoyantanke

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