Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RAFT Activity

Greg Holmes
RAFT Activity

Imagine you are one Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador on an expedition in South America. Write a brief report to King Charles I of Spain telling some of your findings in this new frontier. Imagine that you have just had your first visit to the city of Tenochtitlan, what did you see?

Role: Hernán Cortés, Conquistador
Audience:King Charles I
Format: Brief report
Theme: What has been found in the new world

Example of a student entry:

Your Majesty,

I bring wonderful news from the new world. On a recent expedition through the forest, we happened upon a group of native hunters bearing markings and ornaments like none of which we have encountered thus far during our explorations. Luckily La Malinche was with us, and knew their strange dialect and was able to provide a modicum of communication with them. They seemed slightly disturbed and alarmed by our presence  but agreed to take us to their village.

Your Grace, I can hardly find words to describe the village we encountered, La Malinche tells me it is called Tenochtitlan and is the capital of these people. There are stone towers and pyramids that rise from the rivers and lakes themselves, all made of masonry. Unlike the crude wooden huts we have seen in smaller villages. The pyramids are apparently places of worship to heathen gods, something we will have to deal with if we are to civilize these people. The other astounding thing are the riches apparent everywhere, I have never seen as much gold in all my days as I did upon my brief visit to this city.

I will surely send Your Majesty another report after I have met their leader.

Yours in service and duty,

Hernán Cortés,

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