Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RAFT Justin Ebbeskotte

RAFT Assignment
Social Studies RAFT Assignment
R (Role) – Reporter
A (Audience) – The Public
F (Form) – Radio Broadcast
T (Topic) –  Status of the Great War as it is occurring

Student Response:
I interrupt your regular daily broadcast for a World War update.
As of April 6, 1917 the United States has officially entered what is being referred to as “The Great War” or “World War”.  The decision was made as a result of the outrage with the sinking of the Lusitania killing 128 American civilians.  More recently the British had intercepted a secret communication labeled the Zimmerman Telegram from the Germans attempting to coerce Mexico to declare War on the United States.  The government stance since 1914 was to remain neutral, but recent events has threatened the nations wellbeing and intends to end the fighting with the help of allied forces as quickly as they are able.  This has been the war update and now back to your regular broadcast.

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