Wednesday, April 17, 2013

RAFT Assignment

Health Education RAFT Assignment

Role - Obese teenager who just started exercising

Audience - Obese teens who haven't started exercising

Form - A blog entry per day after every workout

Topic - The benefits of exercise and how it is helping you become healthier

Example Entry :

April 17, 2013   5:00PM

I had a rough day today in school.  Going to the gym was awesome because it helps me relieve stress; I decided to do a high intensity workout and I incorporated some boxing in it (it was a major stress relief).  So for my workout I did 3 sets of every exercise for a minute each and then took a 30 second break. You guys should try this, it is an awesome workout that works every muscle group.

-Box Jumps (works your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves)
-Jump Rope (I incorporated cardio into my workout because it is good for my heart!)
-Jabs in Boxing (it hits your shoulders, upper back, biceps, and triceps)
-Bicycle Abs (this hits your obliques and lower abdomen)
-Push Ups (hits your upper body, arms and back)

This workout was ridiculous! It was a total body workout that also had cardio in it.

Since I have been working out, especially using HIT (high intensity training), it gets your heart up faster and keeps it up in the fat burning stage so you get the maximal effects in your workout, I have lost 10 pounds! I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but for only working out for 2 weeks that is awesome!! Since I have started working out I can breathe better, I have more energy, I look better, and I feel like I'm bettering my life, which I definitely am!!

Seriously, you all need to try this. It is fun and you become healthier!

-Kynslee Billups

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