Monday, April 22, 2013

Elyse Boles - RAFT

Assignment: You are the character of Darwen Arkwright from A.J. Hartley's Darwen Arkwright and the Peregrine Pact. You are going into the mirror to try and help save Moth and her forest that is being destroyed. In case you don't make it back out alive, you want to leave a note. You are in a hurry! Moth and the forest need your help!

Role: Darwen Arkwright

Audience: Rich, Alexandra, Aunt Honoria

Format: Letter

Topic: Why you are leaving and why you may not return.

Student Sample:

Dear Aunt Honoria, Alexandra, and Rich,

               I know you are probably worried about me, but I had to do this. Aunt Honoria, Alexandra and Rich can explain to you all the details of how I have got myself into this mess. They can even take you and show you Mr. Peregrine's mirror shop. I love all of you guys, and I am sorry I am leaving, but I will be back as soon as I can if i can make it back. I have to help Moth and I have to save the forest. I'm helping those I love, and that is what is most important. I love you all, and please don't be angry. I have a gift and I have to use it! Just like Mr. Peregrine said!

                                                                                                 I love you,
                                                                                             Darwen Arkwright

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