Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Archimedes Raft - Dwight Rice

Assignment Instructions:

Follow the R.A.F.T. format to create a letter from Hippasus to Pythagoras after Hippasus has been sent to his death on the Mediterranean for his discovery.

Role - Hippasus

Audience - Pythagoras

Format - Letter

Topic - Constructible numbers and how you have been wronged as Hippasus

To my soon to be murderer:

           While I understand that you are greatly troubled and in panic over the implications of my discovery, let it be known that you have cast down your vengeance on a student that has surpassed his teacher. Every thing we know about math is a fallacy as not every number can be constructed. You've seen my discovery, and it cannot be unseen. Now you know that if you try to draw the diagonal of a unit square, it cannot be done. Instead of moving forward as mathematicians, you have prevented any possible progress. While you're greatest achievement the Pythagorean Theorem may live on, someone else will see the same problem I did. You will be remembered not only as a great fool that refused to see the truth, but now as a murderer!

The soon to be deceased,

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