Monday, April 22, 2013

Kristen Drown's RAFT

Assignment: After reading chapters 3 and 4 of “The Grammar Bible” and our discussion and activities over the last couple class periods, you are to write a “lengthy text message” from an upset adverb begging his fraternal brother, Adjective to stop taking all the credit for modifying words. Get as fun as you want with this, just make sure to include what each part of speech’s job is within the message. This should be a lengthy text message, of 100 words at least.

Role: Adverb

Audience: His fraternal brother, Adjective

Format: Lengthy Text Message

Topic: Why does everyone think I’m you?!


Student Example:

Bro, we need to tlk. I’m so sick of everyone thinking I don’t exist. Could you stnd up for me evry once in a while mybe? I mean seriously. You modify nouns and pronouns, I modify verbs. I honestly don’t get it, my name has the word VERB in it.   Is it rly that hard for people to remember? EVERYONE’S heard of you (I get it)…could ya start gettin’ my name out there…I’d appreciate it if ya tried. I know yur Mom’s fav, but for the entire world to think you do your job and my job? I’m sick of you taking all the credit. NOT COOL MAN. Txt back asap.

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