Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Taylor Woods R.A.F.T

Role: People of the Thirteen Colonies
Audience: The King George III
Form: Breakup Letter
Topic: Declaration of Independence

Student Response:
Listen I think it’s time for our relationship to come to an end. It isn’t you, it’s me. I also just don’t think it’s God’s will for us to be together anymore. I don’t feel like you’re treating me nicely. I don’t get to make my own decisions anymore; we just do whatever you want to. I’d like to think that I have the right to pursue happiness just as much as you do. Sometimes you refuse to even listen, you forbid me from doing certain activities, you won’t make decisions on very important issues without asking “mom and dad”, and worst of all you decide things without asking me! I’ve tried to have sit down conversations with you to address these problems, but you choose to completely ignore me! This is my official breakup letter to you, I never want to be in a relationship like this with you again, but we can still be friends right?

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