Sunday, April 21, 2013

RAFT Michael Kuhn

After studying about World War II and how European Jews were treated during this time, you are going to put yourself in the shoes of a Jewish citizen during this time period and write a letter to Hitler in an attempt to get him to reconsider his laws set forth against all Jews.  Include the hardships that you, as a Jewish citizen, have been going through.

R- European Jewish citizen
A- Adolf Hitler
F- Letter
T- Letter of protest to convince Hitler to abolish laws that discriminate against Jews.

Dear Hitler,
                    I write you this letter on behalf of my friends and family.  They would write you themselves, but as you know they are away at these camps of yours.  I really wish you would reconsider all the discrimination against myself and others of my religion, its not our fault you didn't get into art school!  It's so hard to run my business that has been in my family for generations since you convinced everyone to boycott it just because its run by a Jewish citizen.  I'm now the only one working because all my employees have mysteriously disappeared.  Its so weird no one has seen or heard from them for a few days.  Anyways I just ask that you reconsider your stand on all Jewish citizens.  I must go now because there are some men at the door and they are pretty stern on taking me away.


                                                                                                                                        Michael Kuhn

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