Sunday, April 21, 2013


After reading the first scene of Romeo and Juliet, the students will be assigned the following R.A.F.T assignment.

Imagine that you are a news reporter in Verona. You want to inform the citizens about the fight that just broke out in the street between the Capulets and the Montagues. In the form of news report, please write about the altercation. It may be helpful to interview the onlookers.

R- News Reporter in Verona
A- The citizens of Verona
F- News Report
T-  The altercation between the Montagues and the Capulets

BREAKING NEWS! This breaking news is brought to you by Verona’s News Channel 2. Servants of the Montague and Capulet family start a brawl in the middle of the streets. Onlookers described the scene as dramatic and frightening. An eyewitness stated that the fight started because Sampson, a Capulet servant, bites his thumb at the Montagues. The men begin to argue, and Benvolio tries to stop the fight. Once Tybalt sees Benevolio has drawn his sword, Tybalt does the same. Benevolio tries to explain that he was just trying to stop the fight. Tybalt, on the other hand, begins ranting about his hatred of the Montague family. Tybalt tries to attack Benevolio. Capulet and Montague approach the scene of the fight, and their wives try to stop them from attacking the other. Both families stop fighting. The Prince states that the fighting must stop. If anyone disturbs the peace, then he or she will be punished with a death sentence. The Prince seemed adamant that the peace treaty should be enforced or death will be the punishment. People of Verona be warned!

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