Sunday, April 21, 2013

R.A.F.T. Assignment - Othello

Hannah Workman

R.A.F.T. Assignment - After reading and studying Shakespeare's Othello, students will be asked to write a letter from the viewpoint of Desdemona to Emilia. Desdemona knows she is about to die, and Emilia is her closest friend.

Role: Desdemona
Audience: Emilia
Format: Letter
Topic: Last letter to her friend before Othello takes her life

My dearest friend Emilia,

            My Othello plans to take my life this evening for a crime I did not commit. Can you even imagine it? Cheating our your husband? Why, the very idea is absurd! I love Othello, and have remained faithful to him since we married against my father’s wishes. When he returned from Venice, I was there waiting for him as he came off the ship. I have never questioned our love. However, when he slapped me yesterday in front of so many of our friends, I knew something had changed. Now my love is in question, and no matter what I say, there is no convincing my dear husband that I have not been unfaithful. Thank you for always trusting in me. You have been a dear friend for so long. If Othello does end up taking my life tonight, know that I love and appreciate the friendship that we have had over the years.

With love,

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