Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Metamorphosis-- Kellie Overton

Assignment instructions:

After reading The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, you will complete a R.A.F.T. as if you are Gregor Sampsa writing a letter to his father. It can be funny, sad, or thought-provoking as long as I see you have a conceptual understanding of the character relationships at play.

Role: Gregor Samsa

Audience: Father

Format: Letter

Topic: How you feel about father's treatment of you.

Student Sample:

My Dear Father,

As you may have noticed, I have experienced a few.... "changes" lately. I am unable to complete my work as a traveling salesman to support the family now that my appearance is less than desirable. I know that this has caused some tension among you and mother since you cannot rely on my income anymore, but really, that's no reason to have thrown that apple at me! I mean, c'mon dad, it really hurt. In all honesty, you could have been working all these years too so I would have had the time to meet a nice woman, instead of having to support your dead-beat ways. I know I'm a bug now dad, but you're the one who's a pest. Good luck finding that new job. I'll be under the couch eating some garbage when you get back.


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