Sunday, April 21, 2013

RAFT Charity Baker-Art

Having studied Picasso and his work during his Blue Period, you are to write a letter to his dead friend, Casagemas, explaining your remorse, sorrow, and the painting you, Picasso, have done in his honor. Be sure to describe characteristics of the Blue Period, Picasso's relationship to Casagemas and speak without current colloquialisms. We will share these in class, followed by a discussion of which elements of the assignment were successful.Also be sure to utilize the vocabulary you have learned in this unit.

R. Picasso
A. The dead Casagemas
F. Letter
T. Missing you so much I made a painting in your honor. 

Dear Casagemas,

              Oh! How awful it is knowing you've lain to rest. The days of our Bohemian lifestyle were not more a yesterday away. I, full of remorse, cannot stand to know the darkness you must have been suffocated by. No woman's hand deserves such a price as your love-filled heart. It is to my disbelief that someone with your passion and talent could be gone from the world so quickly. It was unexpected news to me as I rested not in your same city. I could not believe the information that was relayed to my ears. I felt like one of my abstract paintings with all of my facial features distorted and misplaced. In your honor, I have layered over a painting I had started using my own image. Only x-rays will tell of my previous subject matter. Now on my canvas lies a painting containing the components of a life that once held your presence and suggestion to the events that occurred. Deep tints and shades of blues and grey depict the mood in which I currently find myself immobile in. dark lines, cool, melancholy foreground and background elements play on my heart strings. Rest in peace my dear friend, I do miss you so. 

                                                                                                                           Your friend Pablo Picasso

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