Thursday, April 25, 2013

Frankstein: Aaron Dunbar

Aaron Dunbar

Assignment: We are almost done with Mary Shelly’s book Frankenstein. The assignment for today is to put yourself in Victor Frankenstein’s shoes. You are Victor Frankenstein and the village people are coming to destroy your creation. This is your only chance to stir their hearts and change their minds by writing a speech.

Role: Victor Frankenstein

Audience: Angry Mob coming to destroy

Format: Persuasive speech

Topic: Why the angry mob should not destroy your creation.

Victor: People I need you to understand what you are doing here. You are not destroying a house or some object, you are hurting someone rather. He will feel everything you do to him; he is just like me or you only made a different way and looks different than us. I made him in our image, not separate from us, but, the same in and out. Do not be afraid because you do not understand, try to learn the things that don’t make sense to you and teach him how to be more like us.  People of Geneva please do try to be the kind and generous people I know you can be. Take a minute to think about what I have just said and then come to the right choice.

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