Saturday, April 20, 2013

RAFT Assignment by James Collier

After studying about imaginary numbers, students will perform a RAFT writing assignment.

Role: An Imaginary Number
Audience: A scared person sitting on a concrete bridge because they feel the bridge moving.
Form: Introduction
Topic: How imaginary numbers allow bridges to move but not fall.

Lady in car: (SCREAMING)!!!
Imaginary number: Lady! Hey listen up!
Lady in car: Who said that?
Imaginary number: I did. Im down here in this bridge.
Lady in car: Where? I don't see you anywhere.
Imaginary number: Do you really think you are going to see me when I'm imaginary?
Lady in car: Good Point! But I'm confused?
Imaginary number: Most people are but let me explain how important of a part I play in keeping this bridge standing. When the engineer designed this bridge, he allows for "flexing" of the bridge as vehicles of different size and weight travel across it. That's where I come in to play at!
Lady in car: Excuse me?
Imaginary number: Although I may be an imaginary number, my job is to allow for the "flexing" of the bridge when weight is applied. If this bridge was solid from end to end, a small break in the concrete could allow the entire bridge to collapse.
Lady in car: Ok. But if you are so important, then why are you imaginary?
Imaginary number: Because I only exist when the bridge "flexes". Any other time I don't exist.
Lady in car: So you are telling me that the letter i in mathematics is what is keeping this bridge from falling apart when vehicles drive across it?
Imaginary number: You got it lady! Now get moving, that car behind you seems to be in a hurry.
Lady in car: Thanks for keeping the bridge standing.

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