Thursday, April 12, 2012

Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table using R.A.F.T. teaching strategy

General Chemistry I

Understanding the Elements of the Periodic Table using R.A.F.T. teaching strategy

Introduction:  Why do we need the periodic table of elements? Is it really that important? What all does it inform us about? What is its history? When was it developed? Hi! I am your biggest fan! I love to listen to your music, and I think that you could help me with these questions!!! There are so many questions about the periodic table that I just don’t know.  Since you are such a good lyrist, could you do me a favor? Could you write a song to inform me of some of the interesting facts about the periodic table of the elements?  I seem to always forget the trends and the meaning of all those numbers and letters!  Could you please help me?!?

Directions:  Your assignment is to help out your biggest fan.  You need to write a song providing the following minimum information.  You are NOT limited to these suggestions! Be creative!  Once you have written your lyrics you will need to prepare a song/jingle and have two options: 1) perform it to the class or 2) prepare it on a CD for the class to listen to. 


1)     There must be at least 8 different elements from the periodic table (see instructor for approval).

2)      What is the name of the element?  The symbol?

3)     What do the numbers mean?

4)     Who found the element?

5)     Where was it found?

6)     When was it found?

7)     What are some of the trends on the periodic table?

8)     You will turn in the below outline before presentation/performance.


What’s your Role: _____________________________________________________

What’s your Audience: _________________________________________________

What’s your Format: __________________________________________________

What’s your Topic: ____________________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. This post was provided by Brittany Caudill from Holly and Tarabeth's Thursday evening class.
