Wednesday, April 11, 2012

RAFT Josh Chinn

R- Lungs

A- Cigarettes

F- Complaints

T- Effects of Smoking

Dear Cigarettes,

I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave me alone.  Your smoke is causing me to develop tar on my physique which causes me to be more exposed to cancer.  Also, the carbon monoxide used in your development is making it extremely difficult for me to adequately perform my job in the body.  Your carbon dioxide is not allowing me to gain as much oxygen as I would like because the muscles around me are swelling up and shrinking the pathways for air to get into.  Another reason that I need you to leave me alone is that you’re messing with my good buddy, the heart.  If I don’t get my needed oxygen, then my buddy will suffer as well and I’m not okay with that.  Now that I have voiced my opinion, I hope you stay away from me and my good buddy the heart so we may live longer and happier lives.

A Disgruntled Consumer,

The Lungs  

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