Friday, April 13, 2012

RAFT by Keaton Cutler

RAFT Writing Assignment - Biological Balancing Act

      You are an employee for the Department of Fish and Wildlife in charge of the town’s lake, when you hear of a corporation’s new production plant being built nearby.  The plant is not in direct violation of municipal regulations for building the plant, but you know that the waste runoff from the plant will pollute streams and tributaries that feed into the lake.  You decide to write a letter to city council explaining the ways in which the lake is still in danger, but before you do…
What’s your
Role:                                  Department of Fish and Wildlife Ranger     
What’s your
Audience:                                            City Council                         
What’s your
Format:                                           Persuasive Speech                     
What’s your
Topic:                                       Environmental Protection                   

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