Friday, April 13, 2012

RAFT Kayla Fitzwater

Vietnam War Raft-Kayla Fitzwater

For today’s assignment you will be putting yourself in the shoes of a Viet Cong soldier during the Vietnam War. The year is 1968 and you are a soldier about to take part in the Tet offensive. You are only a teenager but you have already seen the horrors of war. As a child you thought the war was a game, even smuggling weapons from the “Republicans” and acting as a look out. Now you are old enough to fight the real war however and you are marching to the city of Saigon. You must write a letter to a loved one (mother, father, sibling, wife, child) to tell them that you are leaving for Saigon. Be sure to include as much Vietnamese culture as you can to make your letter seem authentic. Include your reasons for being part of the war and your feeling about the march to Saigon. Use the RAFT below to get you started.

Role:         Viet Cong Soldier         
Audience:          Loved One     
Format:         Letter       
Topic:      Your thoughts on marching to Saigon

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