Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Robert Cooke RAFT

Role: Ex Southern Slave
Audience: President Abraham Lincoln
Format: Letter
Topic: Slavery

President Lincoln,

We slaves here in the south are begging you to help us with the disastrous conditions in which we must survive.  Mr. President I can assure you what I am about to tell you is no exaggeration.  When we first arrive we are stripped naked and inspected all over while being separated from our loved ones to never see them again.  If we do not do what our master tells us we are beaten with a whip.   We are not even allowed to be called by our names, but given new names from our master we must call each other and respond to.   One day my friend Alex tried to escape and was captured by some men.  When he was returned back to our master my master had Alex was placed in a tiny box that he could not even stretch out in for 4 days.  When they finally let him out after not feeding him or giving him water my master summed all the slaves to the box and in front of all of use cut off Alex's big toes so he could not run away again.   I have been fortune I was sold and my new master set me free.   I am begging you President Lincoln help your fellow men and women in the south by getting rid of slavery.

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