Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Heather Elliott RAFT

Role: Musician
Audience: Record Label Executive
Format: Letter
Topic: Potential Record Contract

Assignment: Your band, The Treble Tones, is attempting to negotiate a recording contract with the record label Capitol Records. Based on what you have learned in class about the steps involved in this process and the specific items that these companies look for within a band, write a persuasive letter to the record company explaining why they should extend you an offer for a recording contract. Make sure that you include at least three specific reasons as to why Capitol Records should consider offering you a contract, as well as why you have chosen their record label. Use your notes that you have taken during our Music Technology Unit to help you write this letter.

Dear Capitol Records Executive,

The purpose of this letter is to express our strong interest in signing a recording contract with Capitol Records. Our band, the Treble Tones, has been working on our second album, Treble in Paradise, for three years. We have written songs that we feel speak to our listeners on a personal basis, and we anticipate that it will be a great success. Additionally, our band uses a unique combination of instruments that is unlike most other mainstream artists. With our unique sound and creative lyrics, we believe that our band offers a refreshing and new type of sound to our listeners.

We are interested in signing a record label specifically with Capitol Records because of the company's reputation and high standards. Capitol Records is a well-known label and has signed many extremely talented artists who have grown to become very popular. Additionally, this label is well-known for recording bands that are cutting-edge and have many new things to offer to their audience. We know that, if we were given the opportunity to sign with Capitol Records, we could create a professional album that would appeal to the general public and would help promote both our band and your label.

In closing, we would greatly appreciate your consideration of our album for a recording contract. We strive to maintain professional standards and pride ourselves in our ability to create a unique and fun listening experience for our fans. Please take the time to listen to our demo that we have included with this letter. We feel that you will find that it offers a refreshing sound and lyrics that are extremely thought-provoking. Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


The Treble Tones

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