Tuesday, July 15, 2014

James Hicks

Role: 8th grade student
Audience: Mr. Smith (Local WV Historian)
Format: Thank you letter
Topic: WV History

Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you for taking the time to come to our class and talk to us about our states history and the important events that occurred in West Virginia during the Civil War. I really enjoyed the information about the different Civil War battles that took place in West Virginia.  This summer I am going with my family to Harpers Ferry. I am looking forward to visiting the different historical sites, especially the federal arsenal that John Brown tried to attack and where the Battle of Harpers Ferry took place. 
I also enjoyed listening to you talk about how West Virginia became a state, especially how it is the only state that was formed by splitting from a Confederate state and how some people consider the way we became a state to be illegal, but President Lincoln said that it was not illegal.
 I am very interested in learning more about the history of our state. I was wondering if you have any suggestions of where I could find some more information about our states history. Once again, thank you for taking the time to visit our class.
Tommy Smith
Mr. Hicks
8th grade WV History Class

ABC Middle School

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