Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Michael Harshbarger RAFT

Role: CEO

Audience: Board of Directors

Format: Letter

Topic: Request to add new product to business


As a class we have just explored how to write equations for real world situations. Each of you were asked to create a business and then think of a new product that you would like to sell within your business. Now that you have selected a new product and created a formula that can be used to determine profit you will need to present the Board of Directors with your formal request. You need to use the graph so the Board can see at-a-glace the potential for profit. You must also describe in detail the new product.


Dear Board of Directors,

I have found an exciting new product that I believe we should add to our product line. This product is a new fashionable pocket protector. This pocket protector will be made in new, bright colors. There is currently nothing on the market like this pocket protector. I have found that this new pocket protector can be sold at a profit of $2.50 per pocket protector. Although there is a onetime fee of $10 I still believe this product can take our company to the next level. My team of mathematicians has created a formula that we can use to help us evaluate our potential for profit.

The formula is y = 2.50 x - 10 , where x represents the number of pocket protectors sold

Below is a graph that shows the potential profit that we can make from this new product.

Please review the information I have submitted and let me know as soon as you have made a decision. I look forward to adding this product to our company and feel this new product can help boost our sales.

Thank you for your consideration,

Michael Harshbarger

COE, Cool Mathematicians Inc.

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