Monday, July 14, 2014

Rikki Miller RAFT Assignment--High School Science

Role: Researcher
Audience: Mayor and City Council of City XYZ
Format: Letter
Topic: Mountaintop Removal

Assignment: The mayor and city council of city XYZ are debating selling a piece of land to a mountaintop removal company. Utilizing class notes and personal research, write a letter to the mayor and city council of the city as a researcher either in support or opposition of mountaintop removal in city XYZ. Use and explain at least three definitions from class notes and at least one outside source to support your argument. Regardless of your position, include at least one pro and one con to mountaintop removal for the city.

Dear Mayor and City Council of City XYZ,

The purpose of this letter is to convey my research findings regarding mountaintop removal. Although there are benefits of mountaintop removal for our community, such as the creation of new jobs, the benefits do not outweigh the risks. First and foremost, I am concerned about the level of pollution that would result from mountaintop removal. Pollution is the contamination of air, water, and land by a substance or substances that have harmful effects. Studies have shown decreases in water, air, and land quality surrounding mountaintop removal sites. Secondly, the process and effects of mountaintop removal will drastically reduce the biodiversity, or diversity among plant and animal species, in our area. Third, mountaintop removal also requires deforestation, which is the cutting down of trees (Perk, 2010, n.p.).

It is my suggestion that the city should prohibit mountaintop removal in our area. I would also suggest that the city consider renewable sources of energy, such as windmills. I believe, like mountaintop removal, that the production of wind energy would bring new jobs to our area. Furthermore, by preventing the mountaintop removal company from buying the city’s property, city XYZ can ensure the cleanliness of our air, water, and land for current and future populations.

Thank you for your concern,

Rikki Miller

Work Cited

Perk, R. (2010). Mountaintop Removal: Farewell to Forests. Retrieved from

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