Friday, April 3, 2015

Rebecca - R.A.F.T.S.

Rebecca (Cline) Roll
MU# 901348121

Role: War bond salesman

Audience: American civilians living in WWII

Format: Tri-fold advertisement pamphlet

Topic: Supporting the American government

Strong Verb: Persuade

You are an employee of the U.S. treasury during World War II. The government is in desperate need of more money to support war efforts both domestic and abroad. You must create a persuasive pamphlet that can be easily dispersed to the Americans still working in the states. Your bosses have decided the best way to create revenue is to sell war bonds to these individuals. They must buy war bonds to support our troops overseas. Convince them of this, and remind them of what they are aiding. Remember, goods are being rationed, so we cannot waste any paper on fruitless efforts: this must work!



1 comment:

  1. RAFT - Erica White

    Role- WW2 Doctor
    Audience- Patient's Family
    Format- Telegraph
    Topic- Patient's Health
    Strong Verb- Inform.

    You are a doctor in WW2 you have been given the job of informing the majority of patient's families on their current health conditions. For this assignment, you will be sending information to Rodger Stanley's family. Rodger lost part of his leg and is now in stable condition recovering from his operation at the local base hospital. In telegraph form please send the urgent information to his family so they know he is safe.
