Saturday, April 4, 2015

Angela Mink CIRG 644 RAFTS

Angela Mink

CIRG 644

Module 5


April 4, 2015

SS.7.H.CL2.3 discuss the preservation of the ancient Greek and Roman learning and traditions, architecture, and government.

What’s your Role: Gladiator

What’s your Audience: Wife and/or Children

What’s your Format: Journal

What’s your Topic: Life as a Gladiator and away from his wife/children

Imagine you are a Gladiator during the Roman Empire. You were taken away from your spouse and children and you are sold into slavery and become a Gladiator to repay your debt. You have been a Gladiator for a couple months now and you have yet to fight or maybe have already fought in a battle in front of crowds and Emperors in the Coliseum. You started writing a journal so that maybe it will be given to your family. You talk about your experience and what you have done and seen while being a Gladiator. You express your feelings on how they treat you and the other men. You can describe your everyday life and any other experiences you have encountered.  

Student Example:

April 20th

It has been months now since I have seen you and I miss you more than ever. I am not considered a new recruit anymore and they are finally starting to trust me and give me more freedom. I still wake up each morning at the same time and eat the same breakfast. They give us good food, and I am thankful for the three meals I am given. I am still training at the Gladiator school and I am learning so much. They say I will be ready soon as to what type of Gladiator I will fight. They say I am much more skilled with a sword and want me to become a Thracian. I am okay with that. I have not fought yet but I hear I will soon. I have seen others come back and forth from battle wounded and defeated but each passing day they regain their strength and become stronger, wiser, and more determined to survive. I am nervous but I am hopeful that I will do good so I can see you again. They say if I keep good behavior and fight well I could be released in a few years. That is what keeps me alive, the hope of seeing the ones I love again.  

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