Friday, April 3, 2015

Krysalea Burns RAFT

                                                                                                                                Krysalea Burns



Standards: SS.9.H.CL6.3 : analyze the causes and effects of political revolutions and determine their impact on the formation of governments and on the citizens of a society (e.g., French, Italian, German and Latin American.).

Imagine you are a Haitian (Saint Domingue) French slave in 1789 preparing for the Haitian Revolution. You are standing before your people and preparing them to engage in one of the most violent revolts in history. Knowing that many may die, lose work on the plantation and change their lives forever, you create a speech to rally your fellow slaves. In your speech you discuss French/Slave relations, treatment, the organization of your rebellion and how this may affect the world (other slave countries).


R: Haitian Slave Leader

A: Fellow Slaves

F: Persuasive Speech

T: Slave Revolution that will free your people

S: Urging slaves to FIGHT

Student Sample:

People of Saint Domingue, who are we?! Are we French colonists with security and the benefits of belonging to the empire? NO! Are we Africans? NO! Are we free men? NO! While we have been born free, we have become enslaved and captured by the French to be used for their own gain. We have been forced to live under injustice and tyranny, forced to be slaves so they may have their tobacco and coffee. We die so they may live as kings! We are starved so they may be full, we are beaten so they may prosper! We are SLAVES so they may be FREE! Today, I urge you to fight… FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM! We can do this, look at America, look at how they have freed themselves from the injustice of the British colony. They fought for their right to govern but today we fight for the right to be free. We may follow in America’s footsteps and rise up against the power that threatens us and once and for all be free. We must begin by first attacking their business, destroying their crops, demolishing their tools and killing them at their pocket. We must destroy the plantations! By destroying the plantations we destroy the French!  So people of Saint Domingue we might have been born as slaves but we tonight we will die as free men!!

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