Saturday, April 4, 2015

Chris Burgess CIRG 644 RAFTS

Chris Burgess
CIRG 644
Demonstration- Writing RAFTS


                Imagine that you are a seasoned and respected oncologist. The local radio station in Charleston, WV asks your help in creating a public service announcement that will be aired during world cancer day. They want the service announcement to include practical and effective tips involving ways the audience can prevent cancer. The radio station will supply a vocal cast if necessary. Use the rubric checklist below as a guide.


What's your Role: A respected oncologist in the community

What's your Audience: Radio station listeners in the coverage area (around Charleston, WV)

What's your Format: A radio public service announcement

What's your Topic: Cancer prevention

What's your Strong verb: Prevent

Student Sample...

Today, February 4th, is world cancer day and we would like to share with you a couple of ways you can easily prevent cancer. Do you or your loved ones smoke? Did you know that tobacco smoke contains about 70 chemicals that can cause cancer? By giving up the habit you can easily decrease your risk and the risk of those around you of getting cancer. Did you know that tanning beds also cause cancer? Those who start using tanning beds before age 30 increase their risk of getting skin cancer by 75 percent. By avoiding tanning beds you can help prevent skin cancer. This was a public service announcement brought to you by your local radio station and the ad council.


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