Sunday, April 5, 2015

RAFTS Assignment-Maria Phillips

RAFTS Assignment

Maria Phillips

SC.O.2.1.07 use safe and proper techniques for handling, manipulating, and caring for science materials (e.g., follow safety rules, maintain a clean work area, or treat living organisms humanely).

We are helping some first graders with a science project in a few weeks. In order to get the first grade class ready for the project, please write them some rules of the science lab, including what to wear, how to handle equipment, and anything you think may be helpful! Be very specific and be sure to give them good advice-we will need their help on the project. Use the RAFTS strategy to help you get your thoughts straight.

What is your Role?
Who is your Audience?
What is your Format?
What is your Topic?
What is your Strong verb?

Role: Helper
Audience: First Grade Student
Format: Set of Rules
Topic: Using the Lab
Strong Verb: Explaining

1. Always listen to teacher directions.
2. Never put anything in your mouth.
3. Keep your work area clean.
4. Hold equipment carefully, like you would take care of an iPad or Chrome Books.
5. Keep hands clean and wear gloves if the teacher says.
6. Stay in your chair and in your work area.
7. Raise your hand if you want to speak or have a question.
8. Use the bathroom first!

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