Tuesday, April 14, 2015

RAFT assignment- Meredith Ferry

Meredith Ferry

CIRG 644

Module 5

Demonstration of RAFTS

April 2, 2015

Imagine you are a famous Latina songstress and you are to compose a song related to the hardships faced by the indigenous people of El Salvador. The song must fully convey the hardships that the indigenous have faced throughout the years. This type of song is more difficult than those you usually write, so to help you gather your information and ideas, you go through this checklist to ensure that you are doing so efficiently.

What’s your Role: Musician

What’s your Audience: Indigenous people

What’s your Format: Song

What’s your Topic: Hardships

In this land full of plenty, we have nothing
We work, and toil, and are slaves to our own land
When will this misery end, oh, when will it?
Our ancestors never wanted this life for us
Controlled by companies, we have nothing
We hunger, we thirst, we live in poverty
When will this misery end, oh, when will it?
Abused and used, our land full of gold and silver is no more
We yearn for freedom, for unity with our land
When will this misery end, oh, when will it?

RAFT Demonstration - Amanda Darnley

M5 Demonstration R.A.F.T.S. Assignment
Role:            Scientific Explorer
Audience:            Other scientists
Format:            Journal Entry
Topic:            Tundra Biome
Strong Verb:            Describe
Assignment: For this assignment you are an explorer in a tundra biome, which you have never encountered before.  You are keeping a journal of your journey with each biome you encounter to describe the plant and animal life found there are well as the weather and anything you find interesting and different than your native habitat.  This will be used to inform other scientists about the Tundra biome you have encountered.
Journal Entry Dated March 30, 2015
Today we have entered an area in Northern Canada that the natives call Tundra.  This area is barren with not much plant or animal life.  In March the ground is still covered in snow and it is very cold.  We have seen a few small animals such as: rabbits, foxes and an owl or two.  Yesterday we came across a large herd of caribou about 100 miles south grazing on small patches of grass making their way through the snow.  This ecosystem has some very limiting factors that effect number and types of plants and animals that can survive here.  Those factors include the amount of food, water, space, and shelter available.  Earlier this morning I spoke with a local who described to me that they have a short period of warmth in the summer months for plant life to grow and that trees are unable to take root because the soil remains frozen for all but a few weeks out of the year.  They also have a small amount of rain, which inhibits plant life from taking off.  I am told that besides the rabbits, foxes and owls I have seen other small rodents can survive here as well as weasels.  This biome has a carrying capacity much like that of a Desert very few plant and animals can survive because of the inhospitable climate. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Aaron Fletcher CIRG 644 RAFT

There is great need amongst the Oreo community for a description of what it’s like to journey through a human’s digestive system. You are an Oreo cookie that has been selected by a local magazine to write up a travel guide. Your audience will be other Oreo cookies across the world. You will be telling them about the journey through the human digestive system and all of the wonders you encounter along the way.  

What is your Role?______________________________________________________________

What is your Audience?__________________________________________________________

What is your Format?____________________________________________________________

What is your Topic?_____________________________________________________________
What is your Strong verb?________________________________________________________

Sunday, April 5, 2015

RAFTS Assignment-Maria Phillips

RAFTS Assignment

Maria Phillips

SC.O.2.1.07 use safe and proper techniques for handling, manipulating, and caring for science materials (e.g., follow safety rules, maintain a clean work area, or treat living organisms humanely).

We are helping some first graders with a science project in a few weeks. In order to get the first grade class ready for the project, please write them some rules of the science lab, including what to wear, how to handle equipment, and anything you think may be helpful! Be very specific and be sure to give them good advice-we will need their help on the project. Use the RAFTS strategy to help you get your thoughts straight.

What is your Role?
Who is your Audience?
What is your Format?
What is your Topic?
What is your Strong verb?

Role: Helper
Audience: First Grade Student
Format: Set of Rules
Topic: Using the Lab
Strong Verb: Explaining

1. Always listen to teacher directions.
2. Never put anything in your mouth.
3. Keep your work area clean.
4. Hold equipment carefully, like you would take care of an iPad or Chrome Books.
5. Keep hands clean and wear gloves if the teacher says.
6. Stay in your chair and in your work area.
7. Raise your hand if you want to speak or have a question.
8. Use the bathroom first!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Angela Mink CIRG 644 RAFTS

Angela Mink

CIRG 644

Module 5


April 4, 2015

SS.7.H.CL2.3 discuss the preservation of the ancient Greek and Roman learning and traditions, architecture, and government.

What’s your Role: Gladiator

What’s your Audience: Wife and/or Children

What’s your Format: Journal

What’s your Topic: Life as a Gladiator and away from his wife/children

Imagine you are a Gladiator during the Roman Empire. You were taken away from your spouse and children and you are sold into slavery and become a Gladiator to repay your debt. You have been a Gladiator for a couple months now and you have yet to fight or maybe have already fought in a battle in front of crowds and Emperors in the Coliseum. You started writing a journal so that maybe it will be given to your family. You talk about your experience and what you have done and seen while being a Gladiator. You express your feelings on how they treat you and the other men. You can describe your everyday life and any other experiences you have encountered.  

Student Example:

April 20th

It has been months now since I have seen you and I miss you more than ever. I am not considered a new recruit anymore and they are finally starting to trust me and give me more freedom. I still wake up each morning at the same time and eat the same breakfast. They give us good food, and I am thankful for the three meals I am given. I am still training at the Gladiator school and I am learning so much. They say I will be ready soon as to what type of Gladiator I will fight. They say I am much more skilled with a sword and want me to become a Thracian. I am okay with that. I have not fought yet but I hear I will soon. I have seen others come back and forth from battle wounded and defeated but each passing day they regain their strength and become stronger, wiser, and more determined to survive. I am nervous but I am hopeful that I will do good so I can see you again. They say if I keep good behavior and fight well I could be released in a few years. That is what keeps me alive, the hope of seeing the ones I love again.  

Sabrina Ruth RAFT

Sabrina Ruth

RAFT Activity

During WWII, Germany became a very aggressive nation, conquering many other countries
and breaking many agreements.  Imagine you are a musician/poet of a conquered country such as France. Re-write the words of a song such as "Devil Went Down to Georgia."  You may substitute a different song of your choosing. The new song must include the actions undertaken by Germany that started WWII.  Include major people, places, and events.

Role:  musician/poet of a German-occupied country

Audience:  citizens who support the Allies

Format:  Song/poem

Topic: start of WWII

Strong verb:   describe

Chris Burgess CIRG 644 RAFTS

Chris Burgess
CIRG 644
Demonstration- Writing RAFTS


                Imagine that you are a seasoned and respected oncologist. The local radio station in Charleston, WV asks your help in creating a public service announcement that will be aired during world cancer day. They want the service announcement to include practical and effective tips involving ways the audience can prevent cancer. The radio station will supply a vocal cast if necessary. Use the rubric checklist below as a guide.


What's your Role: A respected oncologist in the community

What's your Audience: Radio station listeners in the coverage area (around Charleston, WV)

What's your Format: A radio public service announcement

What's your Topic: Cancer prevention

What's your Strong verb: Prevent

Student Sample...

Today, February 4th, is world cancer day and we would like to share with you a couple of ways you can easily prevent cancer. Do you or your loved ones smoke? Did you know that tobacco smoke contains about 70 chemicals that can cause cancer? By giving up the habit you can easily decrease your risk and the risk of those around you of getting cancer. Did you know that tanning beds also cause cancer? Those who start using tanning beds before age 30 increase their risk of getting skin cancer by 75 percent. By avoiding tanning beds you can help prevent skin cancer. This was a public service announcement brought to you by your local radio station and the ad council.


Friday, April 3, 2015

Amber Marshall - RAFTS Activity

          Our Environment

You are a Division of Natural Resources (DNR) officer at your local wildlife management area (WMA).  Your job is to educate the local residents about the importance of taking care of the environment. You must create a brochure that demonstrates how to care for the environment, what happens if it isn’t taken care of, and the importance their role plays. Your job is to persuade the local residents they must take a positive action in caring for their environment. Be sure to use the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! Earth Day will be here soon!

Role: DNR Officer

Audience: Local Population

Format: Brochure

Topic: Taking Care of the Environment

Strong Verb: Persuade

Sample: Remember this is only a SAMPLE, you must be creative and elaborate when creating your own brochure.

Rebecca - R.A.F.T.S.

Rebecca (Cline) Roll
MU# 901348121

Role: War bond salesman

Audience: American civilians living in WWII

Format: Tri-fold advertisement pamphlet

Topic: Supporting the American government

Strong Verb: Persuade

You are an employee of the U.S. treasury during World War II. The government is in desperate need of more money to support war efforts both domestic and abroad. You must create a persuasive pamphlet that can be easily dispersed to the Americans still working in the states. Your bosses have decided the best way to create revenue is to sell war bonds to these individuals. They must buy war bonds to support our troops overseas. Convince them of this, and remind them of what they are aiding. Remember, goods are being rationed, so we cannot waste any paper on fruitless efforts: this must work!



Krysalea Burns RAFT

                                                                                                                                Krysalea Burns



Standards: SS.9.H.CL6.3 : analyze the causes and effects of political revolutions and determine their impact on the formation of governments and on the citizens of a society (e.g., French, Italian, German and Latin American.).

Imagine you are a Haitian (Saint Domingue) French slave in 1789 preparing for the Haitian Revolution. You are standing before your people and preparing them to engage in one of the most violent revolts in history. Knowing that many may die, lose work on the plantation and change their lives forever, you create a speech to rally your fellow slaves. In your speech you discuss French/Slave relations, treatment, the organization of your rebellion and how this may affect the world (other slave countries).


R: Haitian Slave Leader

A: Fellow Slaves

F: Persuasive Speech

T: Slave Revolution that will free your people

S: Urging slaves to FIGHT

Student Sample:

People of Saint Domingue, who are we?! Are we French colonists with security and the benefits of belonging to the empire? NO! Are we Africans? NO! Are we free men? NO! While we have been born free, we have become enslaved and captured by the French to be used for their own gain. We have been forced to live under injustice and tyranny, forced to be slaves so they may have their tobacco and coffee. We die so they may live as kings! We are starved so they may be full, we are beaten so they may prosper! We are SLAVES so they may be FREE! Today, I urge you to fight… FIGHT FOR YOUR FREEDOM! We can do this, look at America, look at how they have freed themselves from the injustice of the British colony. They fought for their right to govern but today we fight for the right to be free. We may follow in America’s footsteps and rise up against the power that threatens us and once and for all be free. We must begin by first attacking their business, destroying their crops, demolishing their tools and killing them at their pocket. We must destroy the plantations! By destroying the plantations we destroy the French!  So people of Saint Domingue we might have been born as slaves but we tonight we will die as free men!!
Seth Tabor
CIRG 644
Module 5 RAFT Activity

Place yourself in the shoes of “Rome’s Worst Enemy” Hannibal; create a poem after one of your epic battles during the Punic War. Your poem should fully encompass your feelings towards Rome and what you have witnessed during/after battle to share with the rest of Western Civilization. Using the Rubric checklist below as a guide clearly and concisely create your poem

What is your Role?: Hannibal of Carthage “Rome’s Worst Enemy”

Who is your Audience?: Western World

What is your Format?: Poem

What is your Topic?: Feelings/Emotions towards Rome

Thursday, April 2, 2015

RAFT Assignment

Meredith Ferry

CIRG 644

Module 5

Demonstration of RAFTS

April 2, 2015

Imagine you are a famous Latina songstress and you are to compose a song related to the hardships faced by the indigenous people of El Salvador. The song must fully convey the hardships that the indigenous have faced throughout the years. This type of song is more difficult than those you usually write, so to help you gather your information and ideas, you go through this checklist to ensure that you are doing so efficiently.

What’s your Role: Musician

What’s your Audience: Indigenous people

What’s your Format: Song

What’s your Topic: Hardships