Monday, March 26, 2012

Vote Sirius 2012 - Too Bright to Wait for Night!

R- Sirius
A -7th Graders
F-  Election poster/ Favorite star
T-  Wants world to vote it the brightest and best star

Too Bright to Wait for Night!

Vote Sirius!

Too bright to wait for night, Sirius is one of the few stars that can be seen in the daytime by almost every inhabitant of Earth.

Sirius has a royal history, representing Hathor, the great mother goddess in Ancient Egypt.  Sirius was even honored with its depiction on walls of the Temple of Isis. Egypt was just one of many cultures to name and observe the star.

Too amazing to be contained in a single physical form, Sirius is a group of three stars, a trinary system, making it three times better than singular stars.  Betelgeuse is bigger but Sirius is brighter.

Get Serious!

Vote Sirius 2012!
This message brought to you by the Earthlings for Sirius Coalition –
              Samantha Webster, Anna Yike, Mike Cochran, Pam Melton

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