Monday, March 26, 2012

Protest Letter Team 4

Title of RAFT : Protest Letter
Group Members : Ashley Jimison, Norene Gallion, Elias Perry

R: Ursa Major
A: Stars in the constellation
F: Protest Letter
T: Group is more important than just Sirius

Example of this RAFT

Dear members of Ursa Major constellation,

              I am writing today because I feel that Sirius is getting out of control.  It has been brighter than the rest of the constellation and getting more attention than the whole group.  As you may have heard before there is no I in team.  As you can tell from my previous complaints Siruis is not acting as a team player.  There are several reasons that I feel we as a constellation are more important than this single star.  The first reason is we are older.  We were here first and we should demand more attention.  Second, Sirius may not even actually be part of our constellation.  In fact, it has been suggested that it could be a supercluster which means that we should not have to share anything with an opposing team member.  After reading this letter I am sure that you will take the side that is the best for the entire constellation.

Unnamed Star

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