Monday, March 26, 2012

Puppy Love

Lindsey Small, Cody Weasenforth, John Thrne

r- ancient Polynesian navigators
f- letter of affection
t- importance of watching the stars

Dear Sirius,

Thank you for guiding me home to my family and for always being there to make sure I don’t lose my way.  No matter what storm comes my way you are always bright enough to shine through.  You have always been a true and accurate latitude marker. I can count on you to always serve as the body of the “ great bird”. You separate the sky into two hemispheres that makes my heart go boom boom. In Hawaii we honor you as the Queen of Heaven, our Ka’ulua.  You will always be the Great Dane of the sea coming to my rescue in the middle of my hurricane.

Love always,  Ancient Polynesian navigators

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