Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Evan Ferguson RAFT assignment Completed from student POV

Create a remix to a popular song by rewriting a song tune to explain a science topic.  It would be helpful to use the chorus of the song to emphasize the main point of the lesson.  This is designed to be a catchy tune for your classmates. 
For my example I am remaking  Paint Me a Birmingham by Tracy Lawrence to "Ecology"
What is your Role?  To describe a scientific topic.
What is your Audience?  My classmates and the teacher.
What is my Format? A parody of a song.
What is my Topic?  Explain what the study of Ecology is (or any scientific topic)
What is my Strong verb? Coexisting
Explain some ecology..
From the sand to the shining sea...
From Appalachia...
To Death Valley....
Animals and plants go hand in hand...
Rain and sun helps the soil for the land...
and in Ecology....
we are "Coexisting"...
Trees blow in the breeze..
and the world spins the seas...
everything interconnects..
even giraffes with a long neck...
ecology is "coexisting"...
every time you explain it to me...
From the sand to the shining sea...
From Appalachia to death valley...
Animals and plants go hand in hand...
humans can help it go smoothly..
will you paint me ecology......

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